Garlic Herb Butter Recipe

This delicious Garlic Herb Butter Recipe will become your kitchen staple recipe. The savory herb butter spread is very flavorful and amazingly tasty. It can be used on so many recipes you will be surprised. It’s wonderful flavor can be used not only for garlic bread but also you can add to any of your food and it will deliver wonderful flavor to any savory dish. Most of the dishes you will add this universal spread or cook with, will have a great flavor and bring any blend dish recipes you think that some additional flavor.
Please keep it in the refrigerator when you need it you can use it as a spread you favorite bread or toast adding to your vegetables there is so many uses for it. Garlic Herb Butter Recipe.
Keep it handy for any occasion you need. Use this butter spread the requires green chives but not too big and blend all the other herbs can be finely chopped. Also with all the herbs in this spread offering great vitamins for your daily intake. Freshly chopped herbs having unforgettable flavor adding great color to the butter spread. Please keep this spread refrigerated you make it. It keep it in the refrigerator when you need it you can use it as a spread you favorite bread or toast adding to your vegetables there’s so many uses for it. Keep it handy for any occasion you need. Please keep it in the refrigerator when you need it you can use it as a spread you favorite bread or toast adding to your vegetables there is so many uses for it. Garlic Herb Butter Recipe.
Also with all the herbs in this spread offering great vitamins for your daily intake. Freshly chopped herbs having unforgettable flavor adding great color to the butter spread. Please keep this spread refrigerated you make it.

Garlic Herb Butter Recipe | FoodForYourGood.comGarlic Herb Butter Recipe


2 sticks Butter, softened
3 Garlic cloves, large, finely minced
4 tbsp. Parsley, finely chopped
3 tbsp. Chives, finely chopped


Mix all ingredients and enjoy!


NOTE: *** Keep leftovers refrigerated.

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